investing in the people

Our federal government collects trillions of dollars in revenue annually; the bulk of which come from individual income taxes. The question then is, are the returns on our tax dollar investment currently improving our daily lives?

The Issue:

So, this page might feel a bit overwhelming; that is intentional. Our federal government collects trillions of dollars in revenue annually. The U.S. Department of the Treasury reports approximately $2.7 trillion dollars in revenue have been collected thus far into fiscal year 2023. 52 percent of that, about $1.4 trillion, comes from individual income taxes. That means you and I go to work; we get our paychecks and see those state and federal taxes deducted every pay period. In stark contrast to that data, corporate income taxes only account for about $221 billion of the revenue collected so far; that amounts to only 8%.

The U.S. cannot afford to continue subsidizing corporations while so many of its people go without our basic needs being met. Addressing the corporate tax structure must be a priority. Many of these corporations that benefit the most from the current tax arrangement actively lobby against legislation that would benefit the people, increasingly erode our democracy, and continue to pillage this pale blue dot we call Earth. It’s time we center the interests of the people over those of corporations, and deliver on this non-exhaustive list of issues:

·      Gun control laws and assault weapons ban.

·      Environmental Justice.

·      Decreasing our dependance on fossil fuels and transitioning to more renewable, sustainable energy options.

·      Reparations to Black Americans.

·      Care economy investments.

  • Campaign finance reform

·      Long-term funding of Social Security.

·      Increased benefits and wrap-around services for veterans.

·      Student loan debt forgiveness.

·      Affordable childcare.

·      Quality public school education.

·      Paid medical leave.

·      Mental health and substance use services.

·      Free public secondary education.

·      Free school lunches.

·      Further investments in public transportation.

·      Higher federal minimum wage.

·      Subsidies for tenants, small property owners, and small businesses still recovering from the financial impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

·      Resources for former foster youth/transitional age youth, and stronger ICWA protections.

·      Expanding SSA and Federal benefits programs to legal non-citizen residents.

·      Dismantling the cash bail system  

Proposed solution:

At this point, you might be wondering what you can do about any of this. Exercise your power by wielding your vote for progress. Vote in EVERYTHING! For decades we’ve heard politicians promise a “better future for our children”; we are that future! It’s time we expanded our civic engagement by electing more progressive millennials and gen z officials at every level of government.  2021 U.S. Census Bureau data show millennials and gen z accounting for approximately 45% of the total CA-12 population. Prioritizing people over profits and corporations is achievable if we continue to show up with our votes to make our voices heard.  


Guaranteed Income