medicare for all

“Access to affordable, gender-affirming care and the ability to make decisions about one’s body is a human right. People over profit. Period!”


The Issue:

America touts itself as being the “greatest country on Earth”; yet when it comes to meeting the basic needs of its people, America fails to do so time and time again. It’s time we prioritize the needs of our people over profit. Not a single person in “the richest country on Earth” should have to choose between sustaining their housing and paying medical bills. No one should have to decide if they will eat today, or buy their medications. America must put the needs of its people before corporate interests. Give the people what we need. Healthcare for ALL the people. Period.

benefit to California:

Passage of this legislation would provide healthcare coverage for California’s nearly 39 million residents.

proposed legislation:

Senate Bill 1655


Affordable Housing


Voting Rights